Upcoming events

    • 11 Mar 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
    • Zoom

    CVDA's March Winter Webinar will feature Madalyn Ward, DVM.

    The goal of this presentation is to introduce the concept of Temperament Typing using Traditional Chinese Medicine Five Element Theory. The five main Temperament Types are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. A brief description will be given for each type and three important things about how to feed each type will be covered. For more information, please visit www.horsetemperament.com.

    Attend this webinar to learn to recognize your most fitting equine companion - or learn how better to work, live, and play with the horse you already care for. Dr. Ward hopes this will be a significant step toward helping you to understand your horse better. Bring your curiosity and your questions!

    Speaker Information

    Using Traditional Chinese Medicine as her model, Dr. Ward has developed five basic types and six combo horse types and temperaments. These types and temperaments describe the personality as well as the best training, occupation, diet, and management approach for each. Just as with humans, these wonderful creatures have different constitutions and personalities that can be defined and evaluated. Dr. Ward has worked in the field of holistic horse care for over two decades. She graduated from Texas A&M's School of Veterinary Medicine. She has published numerous articles in medical journals and horse magazines, including Practical Horseman and Equus.

    • 16 Apr 2025
    • 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
    • Zoom

    CVDA's April Winter Webinar will feature Stephanie Brown-Beamer of Horse By Horse.

    If you've ever wanted to learn more about bit and bridle fitting, join us for CVDA's third and final Winter Webinar. Stephanie Brown-Beamer will draw upon her extensive training and experience to educate us about bit and bridle fitting issues and solutions. For more information about Stephanie, please visit Horse By Horse | Equine Bits, Bridles From Professionals.

    Speaker Information

    Stephanie's involvement with bit fitting started with being loaned a Neue Schule Verb bit for a pony that she was training. She thought she was a conscientious and kind dressage trainer and rode almost all of her horses in a double-jointed loose ring snaffle. A friend loaned her a Neue Schule Verb and the mare she tried it on came up in her shoulders, through her back and was no longer fixated on her mouth. This started her in-depth inquiry into how, why and what the company was up to. Eventually, she decided to found Horse By Horse and offer bit fitting clinics up and down the East Coast using several bit and bridle brands that she has researched and can recommend to her clients. Stephanie is an FEI rider/trainer and an "L" graduate, with a commitment to creating true partnerships with horses.

Central Vermont Dressage Association, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 
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