CVDA plans and hosts clinics each year to provide our membership with the opportunity to ride with or audit instructors from out of our area and to increase our membership’s practical and theoretical knowledge of the art and sport of dressage.
CVDA’s goal is to make our clinics an educational experience for both the rider/participant as well as for the auditor/audience, thus CVDA clinics attempts to have as many levels as possible represented, within the parameters listed below.
- All entries must be received via or mailed. No entries will be considered that are timestamped or postmarked prior to the published opening time/date.
- In the event that there are more applicants than vacancies, a waiting list will be developed based on timestamp or postmark date. When scratches occur, the waiting list will be accessed according to membership and then level.
- If there are multiple entries with the same timestamp or postmark date, CVDA will randomly draw from the membership entries first.
- Only completed entries submitted on the clinic application form or CVDA website, timestamped or postmarked on or after the opening date, with payment in full and current Coggins and Rabies certificates (either emailed or mailed at the same time as the entry), will be considered.
- CVDA may run a score check verifying the level for which a rider is applying. If no scores are available, the applicant, if requested, will submit a brief summary from their trainer indicating the level they are schooling and would be able to represent.