As part of CVDA’s mission to “promote the art and sport of dressage,” educational grants are made available to help fund educational opportunities to members who have demonstrated a commitment to and/or excellence in the sport, as well as volunteerism within the organization. The CVDA Grant program supports qualified members in their educational advancement with the expectation that the membership and sport will benefit as a result of the knowledge and experience gained or program offered.

Purposes & Uses of Funding

Grant funding is to be used to host or participate in an educational program that includes, but is not limited to:  seminars, workshops, clinics, and/or educational programs offered by recognized or certified instructors. Educational programs may include nationally recognized USDF or regionally sponsored clinics and symposiums, whether ridden in or audited by the applicant. Grants will not be awarded to augment the training costs of the horse or rider. The grant program’s intent is to provide the widest possible range of dressage education to the greatest number of members and to support the development of dressage in the area.

Individuals may apply for a CVDA grant to attend a USEF Judge’s Program, USEF Technical Delegate Program, USDF “L” Education Program, USDF Certified Instructor Program, pre-certification and/or testing or other educational programs of this caliber. Applicant must provide the program information and whether or not the plan is to test. All applications for grant funding must have a stated objective, must be for the specific purpose of advancing the rider’s, trainer’s or official’s skills or standing in the dressage community, and must have a clear beginning and end date.

Individuals may also apply for a CVDA grant to conduct an educational event in the area. Educational events are the essence of the grant program and should be well planned, consisting of mounted or unmounted instruction or a combination of both. Educational events should not consist of individual riding lessons at a reduced price. The event must be open to CVDA members, and the application needs to state a plan to include auditors. The format and logistics of the educational event, goal for the attendees, the clinician/speaker to be featured and a complete budget must be detailed in the application.

Applicants may apply for a CVDA grant to fund or defray the cost of hosting the event, but grant monies are not to be used to profit from the event. Excess income generated from the event will be deducted from the grant amount paid to the recipient. Financial management of the event is the responsibility of the event manager. It is also the responsibility of the grant recipient/event manager to secure all facilities, equipment and volunteers needed for a successful event. CVDA will assist with advertising the event in our communications with our members to help promote attendance. Mounted participants in any event receiving funding from a CVDA grant are required to abide by the CVDA Protective Headgear Policy.

Grant Application Process

Applications will be screened using a uniform set of criteria to include:

    • Goal of program
    • Benefit to CVDA membership at large
    • Effect on professional development and educational purpose
    • Length of CVDA membership and volunteer history
    • Other scholarships/grants received and applied for
    • Applicant’s dressage experience and/or event management experience

Preference will be given to members who have made a significant volunteer contribution to CVDA.

Applicants must be legal U.S. residents and a CVDA member in good standing who has been a member during at least two (need not be consecutive) of the last four years. Applicants under the age of 18 must have an adult sponsor. Current board members and members of their immediate families are not eligible to apply.

CVDA grants may be awarded once in 2024. The deadline is April 15, 2025, with applicants notified by April 30, 2025. Grant funds must be used by December 31, 2025.

The maximum dollar amount per grant awarded through the CVDA Grant Program in 2024 will be $2,000. The CVDA Board may choose to fund multiple grants at lesser amounts, while adhering to the $2,000 overall limit.

Giving Back to CVDA

Those awarded a grant will be mailed a “Letter of Agreement.” This is a simple contract between the CVDA member and CVDA. The Agreement outlines where, when and how the money will be used, as well as how the recipient plans to give back to CVDA. A few examples of giving back to CVDA include giving clinics, organizing and managing an event, judging, writing an educational newsletter article, or other volunteer action. The applicant should understand that if chosen, he/she will receive the full grant award after attending or conducting the educational event. The recipient must provide CVDA with the receipts corresponding to the budget submitted upon application, as well as full financial disclosure of expenses and income following the successful completion of the educational program or event. If, for any reason, the recipient does not complete or host the program for which a CVDA grant was made, any unused portion of the funds must be returned to CVDA. Grant recipients may apply for additional grant awards every two years. This is in order to provide for increased opportunity for grant funding use within the CVDA membership.

Click here for 2025 Grant Application (to either host or attend an educational activity/event/ciinic)

CVDA Sue Schwaiger Memorial Junior Scholarship

CVDA lost a wonderful friend, member and volunteer with Sue Schwaiger's passing in early 2024.  Her family worked with CVDA and many wonderful donors to establish a scholarship in her memory that would benefit young riders - the future of dressage. The Scholarship offers financial support to junior riders who would like to ride in a CVDA Clinic.

Click here for more information and an application for a Sue Schwaiger Memorial Junior Scholarship.  To donate to the Scholarship fund, please select the CVDA website's Donate page and put in the Comment section that your donation is for the Sue Schwaiger Memorial Junior Scholarship.  Thank you!

Central Vermont Dressage Association, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 
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